Planksgiving – New Day, New Plank


Hello! A habit I never thought I would be doing is a… 49 day plank challenge? Let me tell you the details…

A habit (in my words) is something that you do all the time and sometimes unintentionally. A new habit that we (as a class) were going to do is plank. Every time we come to class and every week we added 15 seconds to the timer. First, we did a thirty second plank the next week did a 45 second plank, the next a 1minute plank and so on. At first it was hard but as we went on it got easier and easier. A habit I would like to keep is reading. I love reading so it SEEMS as if I could keep it. But what about vacation? Would YOU take out the time you could have used to have fun to read? I know I wouldn’t. A habit I would like to do is to fix my bed every day. Seems easy right? Well, I have A LOT to do in the morning, so it’s not easy for me. Thank you for reading! Until Next Time!

“Even the easiest things can be the hardest tasks.”